Nancy Werlin: Double Helix - Klett English Readers

In Nancy Werlin's Double Helix, school-leaver Eli Samuels has managed to land a fantastic job at Transgenics, in the renowned Dr. Quincy Wyatt's molecular bilogy lab.
ISBN: 9783125780323
Author: Nancy Werlin
Page: 232
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2009
Format: Book
Level: B2
Publisher: KLETT
Language: English

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Price: 6 650 Ft

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But why is his father so against him working there? And what exactly is the connection between his parents and Dr. Wyatt? And who exactly is the mysterious Kayla to whom he feels so close? His mother now suffers from advanced Huntongton's Disease and his father refuses to explain, so Eli is left to find the answer himself.


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