The Accidental Tourist - Oxford Bookworms Library Level 5

Everyday life in Baltimore, USA, is full of problems - getting the washing done, buying groceries and dog food, avoiding the neighbors . . .
ISBN: 9780194792158
Author: Anne Tyler / Jenifer Bassett
Page: 112
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Oxford Bookworms Library
Publication date: 2007
Format: Book
Level: B2
Language: English

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Price: 3 175 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Everyday life in Baltimore, USA, is full of problems - getting the washing done, buying groceries and dog food, avoiding the neighbors . . . After the death of his son and the departure of his wife, Macon's attempts to run his own life become increasingly desperate - and more and more odd. Meanwhile, he has to get on with his work, writing tourist guides for business people. Then his dog Edward starts to bite people, and he has to send for Muriel, the dog trainer.


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