The Big Sleep - Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4

General Sternwood has four million dollars, and two young daughters, both pretty and both wild. He's an old, sick man, close to death, but he doesn't like being blackmailed.
ISBN: 9780194791656
Author: Raymond Chandler / Rosalie Kerr
Page: 72
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Oxford Bookworms Library
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Level: B1-B2
Language: English

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Price: 3 175 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


General Sternwood has four million dollars, and two young daughters, both pretty and both wild. He's an old, sick man, close to death, but he doesn't like being blackmailed. So he asks private detective Philip Marlowe to get the blackmailer off his back. Marlowe knows the dark side of life in Los Angeles well, and nothing much surprises him. But the Sternwood girls are a lot wilder than their old father realizes. They like men, drink, drugs - and it's not just a question of blackmail.


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