The Omega Files - Short Stories - Oxford Bookworms Library Level 1

In EDI (the European Department of Intelligence in Brussels) there are some very secret files - the Omega Files. There are strange, surprising, and sometimes horrible stories in these files, but not many people know about them.
ISBN: 9780194789134
Author: Jennifer Bassett
Page: 64
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Oxford Bookworms Library
Publication date: 2007
Format: Book
Level: A1-A2
Language: English

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Price: 2 825 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


In EDI (the European Department of Intelligence in Brussels) there are some very secret files - the Omega Files. There are strange, surprising, and sometimes horrible stories in these files, but not many people know about them. You never read about themin the newspapers. Hawker and Jude know all about the Omega Files, because they work for EDI. They think fast, they move fast, and they learn some very strange things. They go all over the world, asking difficult questions in dangerous places


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