The Scarlet Letter - Penguin Readers Level 2

Boston in the 1600s is a small town, but a large crowd waits for Hester Prynne outside the prison. She carries a baby in her arms and the scarlet letter “A” is on her dress. “A” is for adulteress. Who is the father of her baby?
ISBN: 9781405855341
Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne
Binding: Soft cover
Series: Penguin Readers
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Level: A2
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 3 525 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Boston in the 1600s is a small town, but a large crowd waits for Hester Prynne outside the prison. She carries a baby in her arms and the scarlet letter “A” is on her dress. “A” is for adulteress. Who is the father of her baby? Nobody knows and Hester wi


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