Rue Mouffetard - Le francais de l'alimentation et de la restauration avec CD Audio

Le francais de l'alimentation et de la restauration.Rue Mouffetard develops and consolidates the vocabulary related to food and hospitality.
ISBN: 9788853005748
Author: Tiziana Cignatta
Page: 160
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2005
Format: Book + Audio CD
Publisher: BLACK CAT
Language: French

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Price: 5 750 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Inspired by the streets of Paris, famous for their shops and bistrots, the book leads students through the discovery of a lexical and gastronomic wealth, contained in the shops of Rue Mouffetard, and in the French language. The cultural aspect is closely linked to the linguistic one and learning vocabulary becomes the common theme whilst getting to know a real Parisian neighbourhood.


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