Mark James Estren: A History of Underground Comics

ISBN: 9781579511562
Author: Mark James Estren
Page: 328
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 11 550 Ft

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In the land that time forgot, 1960s and 1970s America (Amerika to some), there once were some bold, forthright, thoroughly unashamed social commentators who said things that "couldn't be said" and showed things that "couldn't be shown." They were outrageous -- hunted, pursued, hounded, arrested, busted, and looked down on by just about everyone in the mass media who deigned to notice them at all.
They were cartoonists -- underground cartoonists. And they were some of the cleverest, most interesting social commentators of their time, as well as some of the very best artists, whose work has influenced the visual arts right up until today.
A History of Underground Comics is their story -- told in their own art, in their own words, with connecting commentary and analysis by one of the very few media people who took them seriously from the start and detailed their worries, concerns and attitudes in broadcast media and, in this book, in print.


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