Silly School: Create silly stories with Hidden Pictures® puzzles! (Highlights™ Hidden Pictures® Silly Fill-In Stories)

ISBN: 9781629795515
Page: 64
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2016
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

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Price: 1 125 Ft

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Silly Stories comes to a new format—the puzzle pad. Silly Story Pads feature the same successful combination of Hidden Pictures® puzzles and Mad Libs-style fill-in-the-blank narratives as Silly Sticker Stories™, but instead of using stickers, kids can number the hidden objects as they find them and then flip the page to fill in the blanks in the order in which they found the objects, creating a silly story as they go along. With a multitude of wacky combinations, each school-centered story featuring everything from field trips to sports to cafeteria lunch, will bring on lots of laughs and fun for the whole family.


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