Space! (Knowledge Encyclopedias)

With fresh content, up-to-date images, and crystal-clear, hi-tech design, Space! is a bold new approach to family reference.
ISBN: 9781465438065
Page: 208
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Publisher: DK
Language: English
Ages: 14-18 years

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Price: 11 550 Ft

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Truly encyclopedic in scope and fully up-to-date covering the stars and planets, space exploration, and the night sky, Space! is packed with amazing facts and NASA images revealing the wonders of the cosmos -- from black holes to the big bang to the planets. Using computer-generated 3D models to explore and open up the most amazing objects in the universe, showing each object in incredible detail, Space! is bursting with facts, infographics, and data boxes. Every topic is covered in depth and detail while remaining easy to understand at a glance.


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