J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter can't wait for his holidays with the dire Dursleys to end. But a small, self-punishing house-elf warns Harry of mortal danger awaiting him at Hogwarts.
ISBN: 9781408894637
Author: J. K. Rowling
Page: 384
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 14-18 years

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Price: 3 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Returning to the castle nevertheless, Harry hears a rumour about a Chamber of Secrets, holding unknown horrors for wizards of Muggle parentage. Then students are found as though turned to stone, and a terrible warning is discovered painted on the wall. The chief suspect - always in the wrong place - is Harry. But something much darker has yet to be unleashed.


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