Victoria Aveyard: King's Cage (Red Queen 3)

Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal.
ISBN: 9781409150763
Author: Victoria Aveyard
Page: 512
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2017
Format: Book
Publisher: ORION BOOKS
Language: English

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Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal.Now a king, Maven continues weaving his web in an attempt to maintain control over hiscountry - and his prisoner. As Mare remains trapped in the palace, the remnants of the Red Rebellion continue organizing and expanding. As they prepare for war, no longer able to linger in the shadows, Cal - the exiled prince with his own claim on Mare'sheart - will stop at nothing to bring her back.


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