James Frey: The Calling (Endgame, Book 1)

THE END OF THE WORLD IS COMING. PLAY NOW. OR WE ALL LOSE.After centuries waiting in secret, twelve unbroken bloodlines, armed with hidden knowledge and lethal training, are called to take humanity’s fate into their hands…
ISBN: 9780007585205
Author: James Frey
Page: 480
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book
Language: English

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 2 775 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Bryan High School, Omaha, Nebraska: Sarah stands at her graduation ceremony – perfect SATs, a star athlete, her life ahead of her. Then a meteor wipes out half her school. But Sarah is not hurt and not surprised. Because she is the Player of the 233rd line – the Cahokian. And she knows what this means.

Endgame is here.

Juliaca, Puno, Peru: Jago walks the streets after the meteor hits. There’s looting and violence but he’s not scared. He is the Player of the 21st line – the Olmec. And he’s ready.

Endgame is here.

China, Australia, Turkey… Twelve meteors fall. Cities and people burn. The news is full of the end of the world.

But Sarah, Jago and ten others are already plotting and planning for the fight. They are the Players and Endgame ishere.

All but one of them will fail. But that one will
save the world. We hope…


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