Charles Dickens: Little Dorrit (Everyman's Library)

Amy Dorrit's father is not very good with money. She was born in the Marshalsea debtors' prison and has lived there with her family for all of her twenty-two years, only leaving during the day to work as a seamstress for the forbidding Mrs. Clennam.
ISBN: 9781857151114
Author: Charles Dickens
Page: 836
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 1992
Format: Book
Publisher: EVERYMAN
Language: English

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Price: 5 925 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 4-6 weeks


But Amy's fortunes are about to change: the arrival of Mrs. Clennam's son Arthur, back from working in China, heralds the beginning of stunning revelations not just about Amy but also about Arthur himself.


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