Mario Vargas Llosa: The Feast of the Goat

Urania Cabral, a New York lawyer, returns to the Dominican Republic after a lifelong self-imposed exile.
ISBN: 9780571288625
Author: Mario Vargas Llosa
Page: 475
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book
Publisher: FABER & FABER
Language: English

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Price: 3 090 Ft

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Urania Cabral, a New York lawyer, returns to the Dominican Republic after a lifelong self-imposed exile. Once she is back in her homeland, the elusive feeling of terror that has overshadowed her whole life suddenly takes shape. Urania's own story alternates with the powerful climax of dictator Rafael Trujillo's reign.
In 1961, Trujillo's decadent inner circle (which includes Urania's soon-to-be disgraced father) enjoys the luxuries of privilege while the rest of the nation lives in fear and deprivation. As Trujillo clings to power, a plot to push the Dominican Republic into the future is being formed. But after the murder of its hated dictator, the Goat, is carried out, the Dominican Republic is plunged into the nightmare of a bloody and uncertain aftermath. Now, thirty years later, Urania reveals how her own family was fatally wounded by the forces of history.


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