Rebecca Kauffman: The Gunners

The Gunners used to be inseparable. A gang of latchkey kids, they took their name from the doorbell of the abandoned house they played in as children - and drank in as teenagers.
ISBN: 9781788161060
Author: Rebecca Kauffman
Page: 272
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 2 425 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


Together they navigated the difficult journey from childhood to adolescence and learnt their first vital lessons about becoming adults; Mikey, Sam, Lynn, Alice, Jimmy and Sally are more like a family than just friends.

One day, Sally suddenly stoppedspeaking to them and wouldn't explain why. Years later, Sally's suicide forces the Gunners back together for her funeral. All of them have secrets they are reluctant to share, secrets which mean they must reassess their happy memories and finally be honest about the reasons Sally left.

This is a generous and poignant novel about the difficulty - and the joy - of being a true friend.


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