Sinclair Lewis: Arrowsmith

ISBN: 9780451530868
Author: Sinclair Lewis
Page: 480
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2008
Format: Book
Publisher: SIGNET
Language: English

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Price: 2 995 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Arrowsmith, the most widely read of Sinclair Lewis’s novels, is the incisive portrait of a man passionately devoted to science. As a bright, curious boy in a small Midwestern town, Martin Arrowsmith spends his free time in old Doc Vickerson’s office avidly devouring medical texts. Destined to become a physician and a researcher, he discovers that societal forces of ignorance, greed, and corruption can be as life-threatening as the plague.

Part satire, part morality tale, Lewis’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel illuminates the mystery and power of science while giving enduring life to a singular American hero’s struggle for integrity and intellectual freedom in a small-minded world.

With an Introduction by Sally E. Parry
and an Afterword by E. L.Doctorow


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