Danielle Steel: Pure Joy

In this charming, heartfelt memoir, Danielle Steel tells the story of how she met a dog the size of a mouse, with a personality that could light up an entire room.
ISBN: 9780552169189
Author: Danielle Steel
Page: 176
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2014
Format: Book
Publisher: CORGI BOOKS
Language: English

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Price: 4 290 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Brimming with warmth and insight on every page, Danielle takes a look at the beloved pets who have brought joy, and sometimes chaos, to her home through the years: from Minnie’s arrival at home in San Francisco to clothes shopping jaunts in Paris, Minnie’s adventures provide the perfect backdrop for a heartfelt look at the magic that dogs bring to our lives, and how they become part of the family.


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