The Ultimate Reading Challenge: 25 Fun Challenges * 25 Bookish Surprises

This one-size-fits-all gift is appropriate for readers of all ages, genres, and abilities. Bibliophiles are encouraged to:
ISBN: 9781681888231
Author: Weldon Owen
Page: 1
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Publisher: WELDON OWEN
Language: English

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Price: 14 895 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Read personally
Re-read a book you loved as a child.
Ask a family member what book has made a lasting impression on them. Find and read that book.

Read compassionately
Read a book that features an indigenous person.
Read a book about a person with a disability.

Read broadly
Visit your local bookstore and ask a bookseller to recommend a book based on your recent favorites.
Read in a place you've never read before.

Engage creatively
Make (or order) a snack or meal described in a book you've read.
Write a letter to someone who has influenced your reading life.


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