English Timesavers: Project Work - Photocopiable

The series of photocopiable resource books for English Language Teaching includes cross-cultural lessons, grammar, vocabulary or skill development, games, raps and communicative activities and everyday, practical English.
ISBN: 9781900702287
Author: Janet Hardy-Gould
Page: 2003
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2003
Format: Book
Level: A1-B1
Language: English
Ages: 10-14 years

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Price: 12 750 Ft

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Fifteen engaging and motivating projects on wide ranging topics specifically at teenagers: from “Create a New Pop Group” to “Survive in the Jungle” and from “Design a New Outfit” (for a pop or sports star) to “Create a class Website”.Each project requires the student to practise a variety of the four skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening. Students also learn/revise key items of vocabulary grammar relating to their chosen project.


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