Heads Up 1 - Spoken English for business Includes two Audio CDs

Üzleti beszédkészség fejlesztő angol nyelvkönyv.
ISBN: 9781905085965
Author: Mark Tulip
Page: 104
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2014
Format: Book + Audio CD
Language: English
Ages: adult

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Price: 9 850 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The materials in Heads Up help students to successfully achieve speaking skills development by providing careful preparation, personalized tasks, consistent pronunciation practice and teacher feedback. The 40 units per level of Heads Up get right to theheart of the students' needs and wishes, and are divided into three sections: 'My Job', 'My Business' and 'The Bigger Picture' with an expanding ripple effect starting from the student. The topics are a springboard to the students speaking about their own work contexts with the activities naturally stimulating and motivating learners by providing them with personalized tasks. Key features: offers extensive listening and speaking practice with personalized tasks; provides regular pronunciation work, with attention to elision, stress and intonation; suitable for normal class use and some guided self-study; and, Student's Book is accompanied by an audio CD.


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