New Basic Survival Audio CD

A "New Basic Survival" angol nyelvkönyv hanganyaga kazettán.
ISBN: 9781405003971
Author: Peter Viney
Publication date: 2005
Format: Audio CD
Language: English
Ages: adult

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Price: 11 800 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


¦ These revised editions of the popular Survival English books are for professional people who need English for work and travel.

Updated features of the course:
? updated and modernized content and design
? self-study audio CD in the Student's Bookwith selected listenings
? additional Communication Activities in New Survival English
? extra Culture Files

¦ The course retains the easy-to-use one page per lesson format with a wide range of real life situations. The number of lessons has been reduced to suit the amount of time available for most classes.


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