Julie Bindel: Feminism for Women

Feminism is a quest for the liberation of women from patriarchy. Feminism strives for a world in which women are not oppressed. Feminism prioritises exposing and ending male violence towards women and girls.
ISBN: 9781472132628
Author: Julie Bindel
Page: 248
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2022
Format: Book
Publisher: CONSTABLE
Language: English

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Price: 5 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


This is Julie Bindel's feminism, a definition born of 40 years at the front line of the feminist movement. Why then, she asks, is feminism the only social justice movement in the world that is expected to prioritise every other issue before pursuing itsown objective of women's liberation? Why does the movement appear to be moving backwards, accommodating the rights and feelings of men and leaving women in the cold? Women make up half the global population yet why is feminism still treated as a minority movement?


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