Kevan Hall: Making the Matrix Work

Global customers, supply chains and more integrated business functions mean that work now cuts across the traditional vertical silos of country and function.
ISBN: 9781904838425
Author: Kevan Hall
Page: 240
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 13 925 Ft

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But the 'solution' of the matrix structure also brings multiple bosses, competing goals and higher levels of complexity.
Traditional management training prioritizes clarity, predictability and control. In a matrix we need to be able to balance this with the ability to tolerate ambiguity, manage uncertainty and decentralize control. Managers need an expanded toolkit to help them move from the hard to the soft, from the concrete to the ambiguous and back again depending on the situation. Making the Matrix Work introduces some new ideas and practical tools in 3 key areas.


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