Susan Sontag: On Women

Written during the height of second-wave feminism, Sontag's essays remain strikingly relevant to our contemporary conversations.
ISBN: 9780241996843
Author: Susan Sontag
Page: 208
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2024
Format: Book
Publisher: PENGUIN
Language: English

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At times powerfully in sync and at others powerfully at odds with them, they are always characteristically original in their examinations of the 'biological division of labour', the double-standard for ageing and the dynamics of women's power and powerlessness.
As Merve Emre writes in her introduction, On Women offers us 'the spectacle of a ferocious intellect setting itself to the task at hand: to articulate the politics and aesthetics of being a woman in the United States, the Americas and the world.'


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