Charles Dickens: Nicholas Nickleby (Everyman's Library)

Dicken's third novel, published in 1839, is a brilliant and vivid melodrama of honest youth triumphing over vice and injustice.
ISBN: 9781857151596
Szerző: Charles Dickens
Oldalszám: 848
Kötés: Keménykötés
Kiadás éve: 1993
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 5 925 Ft

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Bursting with energy and populated by a whole world of inimitable and memorable characters - including especially the theatrical troupe with whom Nicholas performs - the book is both a griping story and a series of magnificent scenes. It is also indignant protest against cruelty and oppression, most memorably encapsulated in Dickens's powerful portrayal of Mr Squeers and his wicked boarding school - a passage which was to be instrumental in helping to reform the Victorian education system. The novel has been adapted for television stage and screen.


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