Toni Morrison: The Bluest Eye

THE BLUEST EYE chronicles the tragic, torn lives of a poor black family in 1940s Ohio: Pauline, Cholly, Sam and Pecola. Pecola, unlovely and unloved, prays each night for blue eyes like those of her privileged blond white schoolfellows.
ISBN: 9780099759911
Szerző: Toni Morrison
Oldalszám: 172
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 1999
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 4 275 Ft

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THE BLUEST EYE chronicles the tragic, torn lives of a poor black family in 1940s Ohio: Pauline, Cholly, Sam and Pecola. Pecola, unlovely and unloved, prays each night for blue eyes like those of her privileged blond white schoolfellows. She becomes the focus of the mingled love and hatred engendered by her family's frailty and the world's cruelty as the novel moves toward a savage but poignant resolution.


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