Zadie Smith: Grand Union

The first ever collection of stories from the bestselling and beloved author of Swing Time and White Teeth
ISBN: 9780241983126
Szerző: Zadie Smith
Oldalszám: 256
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2020
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 3 375 Ft

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Interleaving ten completely new and unpublished stories with some of her best-loved pieces from the New Yorker and elsewhere, Zadie Smith presents a dizzyingly rich and varied collection of fiction. Moving exhilaratingly across genres and perspectives, from the historic to the vividly current to the slyly dystopian, Grand Union is a sharply alert and prescient collection about time and place, identity and rebirth, the persistent legacies that haunt our present selves and the uncanny futures that rush up to meet us.


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