In Conversation B2 Student's Book with Audios 2nd edition

In conversation 2nd edition is ideal for all learners aged 16+ who want to express themselves on engaging topics and exchange ideas with others, in pairs or in a group.
ISBN: 9783125015593
Szerző: Adriana Lima, Jenny Richerdson-Schlötter, Jeff Stranks
Oldalszám: 88
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2022
Formátum: Könyv + Online Hanganyag
Szint: B2
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 12 890 Ft

Készlet: 1-10 darab


In conversation B2 is the second volume in a series of three conversation courses (B1, B2, B2/C1) and includes a varied range of reading and listening texts, as well as additional online material. It can be used as the main textbook for short courses, or as a secondary component to other textbooks.
20 engaging topics such as The climate crisis, Changing gender roles and Is it really taboo? help motivate students to speak.
The short and modular units (double-page spread) can be used in any order.
Useful phrases and key words for each unit are available as audio flashcards for pronunciation practice of natural English phrases.
The appendix contains transcripts, files and homework tasks for each unit.


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Ár: 11 500 Ft