Steven Pinker: The Blank Slate - The Modern Denial of Human Nature

In the past century many people have assumed that we are shaped by our environment: a blank slate waiting to be inscribed by upbringing and culture, with innate abilities playing little part.
ISBN: 9780140276053
Szerző: Steven Pinker
Oldalszám: 528
Kötés: Puhakötés
Kiadás éve: 2003
Formátum: Könyv
Nyelv: angol

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Ár: 4 850 Ft

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Steven Pinker’s profound and essential book shows that this view denies the heart of our being: human nature. We are prepared for sex, aggression and jealousy – and also love, compassion and reason. Violence is not just a product of society; male and female minds are different; the genes we give our children shape them more than our parenting practices. To acknowledge our nature, Pinker shows, is not to condone inequality or callousness, but ultimately to understand the very foundations of humanity.


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