Academic Encounters - American Studies Student's Book

Academic Encounters - American Studies uses a sustained-content approach to help students develop the reading, study, and writing skills necessary to succeed in English-speaking academic environments.
ISBN: 9780521673693
Author: Williams, Jessi
Page: 264
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2007
Format: Book
Level: B1+
Language: English

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Price: 11 100 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Academic Encounters: American Studies engages students with academic readings, photos, graphs, and charts on stimulating topics from the field of American Studies, which deal with important events and ideas in American history and culture that are relevant to life today. Topics include government, race relations, immigration, jazz and blues, movies, hip-hop, and the interplay of American culture with cultures from around the world. Students develop important skills such as reading for detail, skimming,


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