Basic Korean Dictionary Korean-English/English-Korean

Basic Korean-English, English-Korean Dictionary Compiled by Sang-Oak Lee.
ISBN: 9781565910768
Author: Sang-Oak Lee, Robert Fouser, David Baxter
Page: 436
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Book
Language: Korean

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Price: 13 150 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


This pocket-size dictionary is a handy reference for any English speaker studying Korean. A combination of simple definitions and practical expressions make it easy to use. Romanized entries are followed by Korean hangul spellings and the most commonly used Korean words are clearly marked, helping learners acquire vocabulary in gradual stages. Appendixes explain important grammatical and cultural features of Korean, such as idiomatic usages and the system of honorifics. About 9,000 entries


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