Oxford Italian Grammar & Verbs

This brand-new guide to Italian grammar provides clear and simple explanations of today's written and spoken Italian.
ISBN: 9780198603818
Author: Colin McIntosh
Page: 282
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2002
Format: Book
Language: Italian

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Price: 5 350 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Comprehensive and easy to use, with coverage of all the key points of Italian grammar, it is the ideal reference tool for users at all levels as a learning tool or as a revision aid. It can be used to support any Italian language course, and is ideal for use with Oxford's Take off in Italian and other audio language learning packs. The thousands of examples included are formatted in an instantly accessible layout to show how the language works. Detailed tables of regular and irregular Italian verbs areclear and easy-to-use and all grammatical terms are explained in a glossary.


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