Swahili Phrasebook and Dictionary 5th edition - Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet's Swahili Phrasebook & Dictionary is your passport to the most relevant Swahili phrases and vocabulary for all your travel needs.
ISBN: 9781743211960
Page: 263
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2014
Format: Book
Language: Swahili

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Price: 2 425 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


Learn that the word for stranger in Swahili is also the same word for guest, make the most of your wildlife safari with our special sustainable travel section, while learning the names of some of the animals you're likely to see -all with your trusted travel companion. With language tools in your back pocket, you can truly get to the heart of wherever you go, so begin your journey now!


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