IELTS Target 5.0 - Preparation for IELTS General Training Student's Book and Workobook with Audio DVD and Sample Testsrkbook

IELTS Target 5.0 addresses the needs of students who are entering IELTS study between Band 3 (extremely limited user) and Band 4 (limited user).
ISBN: 9781908614933
Author: Chris Gough
Page: 386
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Pack (Könyv + DVD)
Level: A2-B1
Language: English

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Price: 11 550 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


he General Training Module of IELTS has been chosen, along with five bridging units to Academic IELTS, as the most suitable for students at this level. Such students might need to raise their IELTS score to:

• satisfy criteria set by the institutionin which they study
• work towards a score of 5.0 - required for many non-academic training courses
• lay the foundation for further study of the Academic Module with a view to university entrance.


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