Prüngstraining AP German Language and Culture mit 2 Audio CDs

Prüfungstraining AVGerrnan Language and Culture prepares students to demonstrate college-level proficiency in German Studies in the Advanced Placement exam.
ISBN: 9783060208722
Page: 142
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2013
Format: Book + Audio CD
Level: C1-C2
Publisher: CORNELSEN
Language: German
Ages: adult

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Price: 14 950 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Each section of the exam is addressed individually and explained in detail. Students learn test-taking strategies and skills, which they can immediately apply to practice exercises. The practice texts and listening exercises cover a broad range of topics, all related to the six official themes of the AP°German Language and Culture framework. Exercises are varied and focused on honing different modes of communication.


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