Barron's Latin Grammar

This brand-new textbook for students of classical literature presents a comprehensive summary of Latin grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.
ISBN: 9780764147210
Author: Raffaela Maidhoff
Page: 272
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Language: Latin

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Price: 6 175 Ft

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This brand-new textbook for students of classical literature presents a comprehensive summary of Latin grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Students are introduced to nouns in all genders and declensions, verbs in all conjugations and tenses, vocabulary, and bilingual passages that demonstrate classical Latin sentence structure. This book presents students with a very useful complement to their studies of classical Latin texts, such as Julius Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic Wars, the poetryof Virgil, and other literary works from the bards of ancient Rome.


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