Gramática escolar A1-A2

Gramática Escolar es un material de refuerzo gramaticalcreado especialmente para adolescentes, que puede serutilizado tanto en clase como de forma autónoma. Se tratade un excelente complemento para preparar el examen delDELE Escolar.
ISBN: 9788416108343
Author: Arielle Bitton
Page: 128
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2016
Format: Book + Online Audio Material
Level: A1-A2
Publisher: EN CLAVE ELE
Language: Spanish

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Price: 12 925 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Gramática Escolar is a grammatical reinforcement book created
especially for young students, which can be used both in class and
autonomously. It covers all the grammar students need to know
for the DELE Escolar.


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