Entre Nos 3. Caderno de exercicios Metodo de Portugués para hispanofalantes

Entre Nós 3 - Upper Intermediate
ISBN: 9789727579006
Author: Ana Cristina Dias
Page: 140
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2019
Format: Book
Level: B2-C1
Publisher: LIDEL GRUPO
Language: Portuguese

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Price: 10 250 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Entre Nós is a Portuguese course designed for teenagers and adult Spanish speakers. Structured in four levels (Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate), it can also be used by learners from other nationalities with a high proficiency in Spanish. It is designed for 100-120 work hours. It is given a strong emphasis on communicative activities (listening, speaking, reading and writing). Focus on the functional language needed to interact in daily situations. Sociocultural aspects are built on the topic of each unit offering insight to the Portuguese way of living.


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