Japanese for Busy People II Workbook: Revised 3rd Edition

Volume II aims to provide students with the foundational skills for forming more complex expressions that will enable them to further advance their command of the language.
ISBN: 9781568364025
Page: 166
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book
Language: Japanese

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Price: 11 550 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks


Whereas Volume I of the Busy People series introduces the most basic patterns for constructing simple sentences in Japanese, Volume II aims to provide students with the foundational skills for forming more complex expressions that will enable them to further advance their command of the language. As you look through this workbook, therefore, you will probably notice that the Japanese presented in the back is considerably more difficult than what appears toward the front. Put another way, this means that by successfully completing the materials covered in Volume II and in the workbook, you will be able to proceed from survival level all the way to intermediate and even advanced fluency.


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