Living Language - Drive Time Spanish Deluxe Package Beginner-Advanced - 8 Audio CDs Pack

Drive Time Spanish: Beginner–Advanced Level is the easiest way to learn Spanish vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, conversation, and even culture without a book.
ISBN: 9781400006564
Publication date: 2009
Format: Audio CD (8)
Level: A1-C1
Language: Spanish

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Price: 11 650 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


This innovative program includes eight hours of lessons on eight CDs that you can use anywhere and anytime. Learn while you're commuting to work, running errands, taking a trip with the family, or even while jogging or working out! A specially designed 'On-Ramp to Spanish' gets you speaking and builds your confidence with simple words and phrases right from the start. Plenty of warm-up exercises, simple explanations, examples, and real conversational practice.


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