Macmillan English Quest level 2 Pupil's Book with CD-Rom

In Macmillan English Quest 2 children learn English with Digi, a magical dragon who jumps from a computer game into the real world of Holly, Harry and Leo the cat. Together, they all find out about the world around them.
ISBN: 9780230443822
Author: Jeanette Corbett, Roisin O'Farrell
Page: 88
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book+CD-ROM
Level: A1
Language: English
Ages: 0-6 years

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Price: 5 990 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


The Macmillan English Quest 2 Pupil's Book contains six units plus three revision sections covering the language from the previous units. The pack also includes mini-flashcards for practising the unit vocabulary, a 'My English Dossier' to provide a record of learning in an attractive take-home format and a CD-ROM with cartoon versions of all the stories in Macmillan English 2, plus four fun educational games per unit.


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