Teach Yourself Get Started in Danish with Audio CD - Absolute Beginner Course

If you are an absolute beginner or simply looking for a solid foundation to your language studies for school, work or travel, this engaging course will help get you on your way to speaking, writing, reading and understanding Danish in no time.
ISBN: 9781444798630
Author: Dorte Al-Gailani
Page: 138
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Pack (Book + 1 Audio CD)
Level: A1-A2
Language: Danish
Ages: adult

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Price: 14 950 Ft

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Through an engaging story line, clear language presentations, and extensive practice and review, you will pick up the Danish you need to communicate naturally in everyday situations - from shopping and traveling to food and daily life.

With our interactive Discovery Method, you'll absorb language rules faster, remember what you learn easily, and put your Danish into use with confidence.


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