The English Ladder 4 Class Audio CDs

The English Ladder is a four-level course from an established author team that's designed to help your pupils take their first steps in English.
ISBN: 9781107400825
Author: Susan House, Katharine Scott
Publication date: 2012
Format: Audio CD
Level: A1
Language: English
Ages: 6-10 years

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Price: 16 000 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Based around the adventures of Freddie the frog and the Fantastic family, the course develops pupils' language skills through lively stories that can be acted out, valuable phonics practice, songs, tongue twisters, games and communication activities. Progressing from a story-based approach in Levels 1-3 to a topic focus in Level 4, the course grows with your pupils, gradually widening their horizons along with their linguistic ability. The carefully structured literacy syllabus is accompanied by a values syllabus that runs through the stories and teaches essential social concepts such as making friends and sharing.


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