IELTS Practice Tests & Tips 5.5-7.5 -Timesaver for Exams (Photocopiable exam practice resources)

They save teacher preparation time with a wide range of refreshing easy-to-use lessons and activities, providing motivational ideas for exam classes.
ISBN: 9781407169712
Author: Liz Joiner
Page: 144
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2017
Format: Book + Audio CD
Level: B2-C1
Language: English

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Price: 17 395 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Four Practice Tests providing focused authentic practice for students aiming for scores of 6.0 and above in the IELTS Academic test
‘Think it through’ tips help students avoid common errors and give extra support for the Practice Tests
Boost Your Score skills lessons address key challenges of the Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking tests
Full answer key and transcripts


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