The Practice of English Language Teaching with DVD 5th edition

The Practice of English Language Teaching is the reference of choice for tens of thousands of teachers of English. This fourth edition offers new input for digital teaching, mixed ability classes and assessment.
ISBN: 9781447980254
Author: Jeremy Harmer
Page: 446
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2015
Format: Book+DVD
Language: English
Ages: adult

Rating(according to 1 customer's review)

Price: 14 950 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


In this new edition, Jeremy Harmer brings you

a review of global English
ideas to help you continue your professional development alone or with others
methodology for teaching all the skill sectors in ELT
DVD with clips from real classrooms, observation tasks and interviews with teachers on their classroom technique

Reviews (1)

PELT 5th edition 2015-04-28 13:46:04
What’s new in the 5th edition? Includes new examples, revised explanations, some topics rewritten. New focus areas: -Learners’ attitudes towards learning and the importance of soft skills in learning -Explicit language instruction in comparison to exposing students to meaningful context -New technologies in the classroom – to enhance teaching, not to make it more difficult -Growth in CLIL in the classroom and the teaching of English for younger learners -Practical teaching ideas reflecting current methodological practice and encouraging debate Updated DVD with lesson extracts with real teachers Free access to website with: -Jeremy Harmer’s interviews -Additional videos of classroom lessons Materials for group discussions on subjects in the book and guidance for individual teachers (available Q2 2015) Website:

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