Timelines of Everything: From woolly mammoths to world wars

Explore 13 billion years of history in the comfort of your own home! Journey through time and discover how some of the world's greatest events unfolded.
ISBN: 9780241302323
Page: 320
Binding: Hard cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Publisher: DK CHILDREN
Language: English

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Price: 8 875 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


From the Big Bang all the way through to the digital age, this incredible visual encyclopedia for children shows you just about everything that has ever happened in history.

Witness history come alive as you travel through more than 130 stunning timelines. Discover an unprecedented collection of history timelines and a wealth of knowledge about the world, packed with fantastic photographs and illustrations, along with informative text and fun facts. The history book covers the rise and fall of empires to ground-breaking scientific breakthroughs and inventions that changed our lives.

This educational book is an imaginative way of illustrating world history for children aged 8 and over. Throughout the pages, your child will get to meet the most bloodthirsty pirates of all time and discover what happened during the storming of the Bastille. It's a fantastic book for young readers with a natural curiosity about history around the world.


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