Dr. Seuss: The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories

It's the literary equivalent of buried treasure – seven newly-discovered, laugh-out-loud stories by Dr. Seuss! The first new Seuss stories to emerge since 1990.
ISBN: 9780008288099
Author: Dr. Seuss
Page: 64
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2018
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 0-6 years

Rating(No ratings so far.)

Price: 2 625 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 2-3 weeks


They include 'The Bippolo Seed,' in which a scheming cat leads an innocent duck to make a bad decision; 'The Rabbit, the Bear, and the Zinniga-Zanniga,' about a rabbit who is saved from a bear via a single eyelash; 'Gustav the Goldfish,' about a fish that grew and grew; 'Tadd and Todd,' a tale about twins; 'Steak for Supper,' about fantastic creatures who follow a boy home in anticipation of a steak dinner; 'The Strange Shirt Spot,' about a spot of dirt that gets everywhere; and 'The Great Henry McBride,' about a boy whose far-flung career fantasies were bested only by those of Dr. Seuss himself.


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