John Grisham: Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer

Well, Theo Boone hasn't taken the bar, but he offers advice to his friends, hangs out at the courthouse, and watches Perry Mason reruns.
ISBN: 9780142417225
Author: John Grisham
Page: 263
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Language: English
Ages: 10-14 years

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Price: 3 395 Ft

Currently out of stock, expected back in stock: 7-8 weeks


Things turn serious, however, when a witness to a murder, a young illegal immigrant, comes to Theo with evidence. The trial is in full swing, and it looks like the defendant will walk unless Theo comes forward. But he's promised the young man he will keep his identity confidential. What should he do? Grisham doesn't have the whole writing-for-kids thing down quite yet. His style, a little stiff, sometimes seems as if it's written for an earlier era. In one howler, he introduces Theo's teacher: “He always addressed them as ‘men' and for thirteen-year-olds there was no greater compliment.” The moral dilemma Grisham poses is interesting, but when Theo (logically) calls in the adults, it loses tension. Problem-solver Theo sometimes seems like a sophisticated Encylopedia Brown, and as with the boy detective, expect to see more of him. Grades 6-8.


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