Sylvia Day: Passion for the Game

Syvlia Day's Passion for the Game is a tale of deception, lust and deadly desire in Georgian England.
ISBN: 9781405912334
Author: Sylvia Day
Page: 273
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2012
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 2 695 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Maria, Lady Winter, is coerced into using her searing beauty and siren body to find out why dangerous pirate Christopher St. John has been let out of jail. But pirate St. John's only chance of avoiding the hangman is to use his renowned seduction skillsto melt Lady Winter's icy heart and to discover her secrets. Entangled in a twisted game of deception and desire, Maria and Christopher are each determined to be the one to win this lusty battle of wits . . .


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