Conn Iggulden: Emperor - The Field of Swords

Emperor - Field of Swords takes Colin Iggulden's sequence of novels about the rise of Julius Caesar to a point where Caesar is forced to bid for mastery of the Roman world.
ISBN: 9780007437146
Author: Conn Iggulden
Page: 530
Binding: Soft cover
Publication date: 2011
Format: Book
Language: English

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Price: 5 295 Ft

Stock: 1-10 copies


Iggulden is intelligent and precise about the internal dynamics of the triumvirate of Caesar, the elderly rich Crassus and the proud Pompey. This alliance was never more than pragmatic and there was always going to be a settling of accounts--thus far sogood, but Iggulden's idealizing of Caesar leads him at times into ignoring the sheer complexity of the affairs of the late Republic. This is a version of Rome which downplays the alliance of street and snob, and treats Caesar as if he were always an apostle of order--it is a historical novel which plays worrying games with historical fact.


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